Welcome to the France-USA-Net.com website!

We hope you enjoy browsing our website and find a lot of useful information. We assume that the information on the website will be useful to you and will help you understand French culture and American culture. We regularly try to update our website. Namely that the people who participate in the articles and information of this site are people like you. They participate in the forum and post their articles in the forum area, so that a translation is made and this article arrives in the other language area. We are unpaid volunteers. The site is funded and the domain name paid for by a donor.

Our old logo

This logo was our emblem from July 2015 to October 30, 2023

Our new logo

This logo has been our emblem since October 31, 2023

About us

France-USA-Net.com is an organization founded in 2013. It was created by 5 members from the city and different sociological backgrounds, but who share the same passion for culture, France and the United States. This organization is a non-governmental and non-profit organization in accordance with the Law of July 1, 1901 and the Decree of August 6, 1901 which governs the association with regard to the French Republic from which the head office is established. Its members are all entirely volunteers and do not make a personal profit of money through this website. The website is a free site that was funded by one of its five members. The idea of creating an associative structure for the organization of certain projects of our group is an important element. We are not affiliated with a political party, a union, a government. Our structure is independent and this is an essential point of our organization.

Who are we?

This question often comes up in people's mouths and emails. At the very beginning, we were five people passionate about the same desire to share the links, culture and relationships that connect the United States and France. Diplomatic relations between the United States have been noticeable and the France has existed for a long time. Only it was also observed that the two populations knew little or nothing about each other. So we decided to create our organization with the aim of strengthening knowledge between our two beautiful and great nations.


Our organization is organized in teams. To facilitate the organization, its teams are grouped by country. That is to say, there is an American team and a French team. Each of its teams writes via the Official Forum articles that will then be shared and translated to be subsequently placed in the Petit Journal and on the information page of the country that the article concerns. Members can also communicate with each other by email directly, thanks to a professional email address "@france-usa-net.com" provided after the request to join France-USA-Net.com or discuss on the forum chat or in a part of the Forum to agree on the articles to be written.