Created a Nonprofit in the United States.

Creating a nonprofit in the United States can be an effective way to carry out a philanthropic project or promote an important cause. No-Profit Organizations (NPOs) are non-profit organizations that are exempt from income tax and may also be eligible for tax-deductible donations.

Here are the steps to create an NPO in the United States:

  1. Determine the purpose and activities of the association
  2. Choose a name for the association and check its availability
  3. Prepare and deposit foundation articles
  4. Obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the Income Tax Service (IRS)
  5. Create a board of directors and adopt the statutes and regulations
  6. Write internal policies to manage the finances and operations of the association
  7. Submit Form 1023-EZ or 1024 to the IRS to obtain the tax exemption for NPOs.
  8. It is important to hire a lawyer specializing in non-profit associations to assist you in the process of setting up the association and to advise you on tax and administrative obligations.

In conclusion, starting a nonprofit in the U.S. can be a complex process, but the tax benefits and the ability to support an important cause are worth it. Be sure to follow the steps outlined above to ensure a successful creation process.

1 - Determine the purpose and activities of the nonprofit in the United States.

The purpose and activities of the nonprofit association in the United States are key elements in determining the direction and objectives of the organization. It is important to clearly define these aspects before starting the process to create the association.

The purpose of the association is the raison d'être of the organization. It defines the general objectives of the association and guides its activities. It may include social, educational, environmental or charitable objectives. It is important that the goal is specific, achievable and in line with the values and principles of the association.

Activities are the means by which the association achieves its objectives. They may include events, awareness campaigns, educational programs, volunteer projects, member services and other initiatives that help achieve the purpose of the association. It is important to choose activities that are achievable, in line with the resources of the association and that achieve the defined objectives.

In summary, determining the purpose and activities of the nonprofit in the United States is a crucial step in the creation of the organization. This helps define the direction and goals of the association, which helps guide future decisions and actions.

2 - Choose a name for the nonprofit in the United States and check its availability.

When choosing a name for a nonprofit in the United States, it is important to consider certain considerations to ensure that the name chosen is available and complies with applicable regulations. Here are the steps to choose a name for a nonprofit in the United States:

  1. Determine restrictions on nonprofit names in the United States. Restrictions vary from state to state, but some common restrictions include prohibiting the use of words such as "bank", "police", "state", etc.
  2. Perform an Internet search to check the availability of the chosen name. It is important to check if the chosen name is not already in use by another non-profit organization.
  3. Check your state's company name databases to check the availability of the chosen name.
  4. If the chosen name is available, check if there are similar trademarks. If this is the case, it is possible that the chosen name is not available for use as a non-profit association.
  5. If the chosen name is available and complies with current regulations, you can use it for your nonprofit.

In summary, choosing a name for a nonprofit in the United States requires extensive research to verify availability and compliance with applicable regulations. By following these steps, you can choose a name that adequately represents your organization and can be used without problems.

3 - How to prepare and file nonprofit foundation articles in the United States.

Creating a nonprofit in the United States requires several important steps. One of these steps is the preparation and deposit of foundation items. The founding articles are the formal document that describes the aims and activities of the association, as well as information about the structure of the association. It is important to take care to prepare the foundation articles carefully to ensure that the association is in compliance with the laws in force.

Here are the steps to follow to prepare and file the founding articles of the nonprofit in the United States:

  1. Determine the aims and activities of the association: Foundation articles should clearly describe the aims and activities of the association. It is important to determine the activities that will be carried out by the association and the goals it wishes to achieve.
  2. Determine the structure of the association: It is important to determine the structure of the association, i.e. the number of members, the responsibilities of the members, the voting procedures and other important aspects of the structure of the association.
  3. Prepare foundation articles: It is recommended to consult a lawyer to prepare foundation articles. Foundation articles must be written in accordance with the legal requirements of the United States.
  4. Filing Foundation Articles: Once the foundation articles are prepared, they must be filed with the Secretary of State of the state where the association is registered. It is important to follow the filing procedures properly to ensure that foundation items are accepted and registered.

In conclusion, the preparation and filing of foundation articles is an important step in the creation of a non-profit association in the United States. It is important to follow the steps carefully to ensure that the association is in compliance with applicable laws and to enable the association to pursue its purposes in a legal and effective manner.

4 - How to obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the Income Tax Service (IRS) for a nonprofit in the United States.

Creating a nonprofit in the United States requires obtaining an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the Income Tax Service (IRS). This number is also known as a tax identification number (TIN) and is used to identify the entity during tax returns and financial transactions. To obtain an EIN, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Determining employer status: You must determine whether you qualify to be considered an employer in the eyes of the IRS. Non-profit associations are considered employers if they employ employees.
  2. Determine application method: You can request an EIN online, by fax or by mail. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages in terms of speed, cost and convenience.
  3. Complete Form SS-4: If you decide to apply for an EIN online or by mail, you will need to complete Form SS-4 to apply for an EIN. This form asks for information about your company, including the name and address of the company, the names and addresses of officials, the nature of the business, and the number of employees.
  4. Submit Application: Once you have completed Form SS-4, you can submit your application online, by fax or by mail.
  5. Wait for EIN: Once you have submitted your application, you will need to wait for confirmation from the EIN. This confirmation can take several days to be received by mail and several minutes to be received online.

is important to note that nonprofits are required to comply with U.S. tax laws, including nonprofit corporate tax returns and payments (Form 990). Be sure to educate yourself about the tax requirements for nonprofits in the U.S. to avoid any issues with the IRS.

5 - How to create a board of directors and adopt the bylaws and regulations for a non-profit association in the United States.

The creation of a board of directors and the adoption of statutes and bylaws are important steps for the establishment of a non-profit association in the United States. The statutes and by-laws serve as a guide for the activities of the association and determine the responsibilities of each member. The Board of Directors is responsible for the direction of the association and making key decisions.

Here are the steps to create a board of directors and adopt the statutes and regulations for a non-profit association in the United States:

  1. Determine the number of board members: The number of board members may vary from one association to another. It is important to determine this number to know how many people will be involved in key decision-making.
  2. Select Board Members: Board members shall be selected based on their expertise and commitment to the activities and objectives of the association.
  3. Prepare statutes and regulations: The statutes and by-laws must be prepared in collaboration with the members of the Board of Directors. It is important to determine the responsibilities of each member as well as the processes for decision-making and problem solving.
  4. Adopt the statutes and regulations: The statutes and by-laws must be adopted by the Board of Directors. Once adopted, they may be amended at any time with the agreement of a majority of the members of the Management Board.
  5. Implement statutes and regulations: It is important to implement the statutes and regulations effectively. Board members should be informed of their responsibilities and how to fulfil them.

In conclusion, the creation of a board of directors and the adoption of statutes and regulations are important steps for the establishment of a non-profit association in the United States. They make it possible to determine the responsibilities of each member and to guarantee the smooth running of the association's activities.

6 - How to write internal policies to manage association finances and operations for a nonprofit in the United States.

Creating internal policies to manage the finances and operations of a nonprofit in the United States is an important step in ensuring transparency and accountability. Here's how to do it:

  1. Identify needs: Before you start writing internal policies, it's important to determine your organization's needs. This may include financial management, employee accountability, volunteer management, investment decisions, and conflict of interest policies.
  2. Evaluate applicable laws and regulations: It is important to understand the laws and regulations applicable to your nonprofit. Federal and state laws may include tax rules, reporting requirements, data security obligations, and transparency obligations.
  3. Check out best practices: It can be helpful to look at the internal policies of other similar organizations to see best practices and what has worked for them.
  4. Develop policies: Now it's time to write the internal policies for your association. Make sure you cover all important topics, be clear and concise, and update them regularly.
  5. Get Board Approval: Once internal policies are written, they must be approved by the association's Board of Directors.
  6. Communicate policies: Make sure all employees, volunteers and other stakeholders understand internal policies. You can communicate them at meetings, include them in the employee handbook and publish them on the association's website.

By following these steps, you can create solid internal policies to manage your nonprofit's finances and operations in the United States. This will ensure efficient and responsible management of your organization.

7 - What is IRS Form 1023-EZ and how to submit a Form 1023-EZ to the IRS to obtain the NPO tax exemption for a nonprofit in the United States.

The U.S. Income Tax Service (IRS) Form 1023-EZ is a simplified form for nonprofit organizations (NPOs) seeking tax exemption. This form is for NPOs with an annual budget of less than $50,000 who are eligible for an automatic tax exemption under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code.

To submit a Form 1023-EZ to the IRS, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure your organization meets the criteria to use Form 1023-EZ.
  2. Create an online account at the IRS website.
  3. Complete Form 1023-EZ online by providing information about your organization, such as the purpose of the organization, activities, number of members, and annual budget.
  4. Submit Form 1023-EZ online and pay the corresponding application fee.
  5. Once the IRS has processed your request, you will receive a confirmation email.

It is important to note that Form 1023-EZ is a simplified form, but it is still important to provide accurate and complete information. If the IRS has questions or concerns, it may ask you to submit the full Form 1023 instead of Form 1023-EZ. In addition, obtaining a tax exemption does not guarantee that your organization will be exempt from other tax obligations. It is therefore important to consult an accountant to ensure that you are following the right procedures for your organization.

8 - The list of association type categories that are eligible for an automatic tax exemption under section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code.

The categories of organizations eligible for tax exemption under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code include:

  1. Organisations religieuses
  2. Organisations éducatives
  3. Charities
  4. Scientific or research organisations
  5. Environmental Protection Organisations
  6. Humanitarian organizations
  7. Public Health Support Organizations
  8. Civil Rights Organizations
  9. Public Charities
  10. Animal Charities

is important to note that to be eligible for a 501(c)(3) tax exemption, an organization must be exclusively devoted to charitable, educational, religious, scientific, literary, or civil rights activities, and must not have any profit-making purposes.

9 - What are the penalties for individuals who lead an association that does not comply with the requirements of IRS Section 501(c)(3)?

Penalties for association officers who violate the requirements of Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code can be severe and include loss of tax exemption, tax penalties, and lawsuits.

If a nonprofit organization does not comply with the restrictions of Section 501(c)(3), it may lose its tax-exempt status. Officers may be personally responsible for paying taxes on the organization's income.

In addition, the IRS may impose civil penalties and interest for reporting errors or for failing to comply with the conditions of the tax exemption.

If the violations are serious or repeated, the managers can be prosecuted for tax evasion. Penalties for tax evasion can include imprisonment and fines.

It is therefore very important that the leaders of a nonprofit educate themselves about the restrictions in Section 501(c)(3) and make sure to comply with them to avoid any problems with the IRS.

10 - Does a person who is not a citizen of the United States have the right to establish a non-profit organization in the United States?

A person who is not a citizen of the United States can indeed create a non-profit association in the United States. There are no restrictions on the nationality or residence of the founders of the association. However, founders will need to provide additional information for paperwork such as creating foundation articles and obtaining an EIN from the Income Tax Service (IRS). Founders may also need an address in the United States to receive official correspondence. It is important to note that to establish an NPO in the United States, it is necessary to comply with legal and tax requirements. Founders should be aware of the responsibilities and obligations involved in creating an NPO. It is therefore recommended to consult a tax advisor or lawyer for advice on legal and tax aspects.

11 - What is an EIN in the United States and why should a nonprofit have one?

EIN, or Employer Identification Number, is a unique number assigned by the United States Income Tax Service (IRS) to each company or organization. Nonprofits in the United States must obtain an EIN if they hire employees, open a bank account, or conduct certain financial transactions.

Obtaining an EIN is free and can be done online on the IRS website or by fax. An EIN is required to obtain the tax exemption under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code, which means that the association will not pay taxes on its income.

The benefit of obtaining an EIN is also important to donors, as donations received by a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization are generally tax deductible for donors. Having an EIN can also strengthen the association's credibility with potential donors and partners.

In summary, a nonprofit in the United States should obtain an EIN for tax, financial, and credibility reasons.

12 - Is a nonprofit in the United States required to have a registered agent and what is a registered agent?

A registered agent is a person or company designated to receive legal notices and official documents for a nonprofit organization in the United States. This may include documents such as subpoenas, notices of lawsuits, or requests for state information. Having a registered agent is important to maintain compliance with state laws and to ensure that important information is transmitted quickly and securely to the association.

In general, nonprofits in the United States are not required to have a registered agent. However, many states require nonprofits to have a registered agent in order to help them maintain compliance with state laws. It is therefore recommended to consult the laws of the specific state before determining whether it is necessary to have a registered agent.

It is also important to note that the registered agent does not need to be a member of the non-profit association or reside in the same state as the association. This may be a designated registration services company that receives official notifications and documents for several not-for-profit organizations.

In summary, although it is not mandatory, having a registered agent can be an important part of maintaining compliance with state laws and ensuring the timely and secure transmission of important information for a nonprofit in the United States. It is recommended to consult state laws to determine if necessary.

13 - What is the equivalent structure model for a nonprofit in the United States in France?

In France, the equivalent model of a nonprofit in the United States is a recognized non-profit organization. This structure is created to meet a need in society and aims to carry out activities that have a general interest, without profit. Associations recognized as being of public utility can benefit from tax advantages, such as income tax exemptions and donations.

The process to create an association recognized as being of public utility in France requires drafting the statutes of the association, registering them with the police headquarters and filing an application for approval with the Ministry of the Interior. It is also necessary to set up a board of directors and appoint a legal representative for the association.

In France, associations recognized as being of public utility must also submit an annual report on their activities and finances to the Ministry of the Interior and their donors. Associations recognised as being of public utility are also subject to transparency obligations, in particular as regards the publication of their annual accounts.

In conclusion, the French model of association recognized as being of public utility is similar to that of non-profit associations in the United States in terms of purpose and responsibilities, but the processes of creation and operation may vary. It is important to understand the obligations and benefits of each structure in order to choose the most appropriate one for the objectives and activities of the association.

14 - Les liens utiles.

Form 990 can be found on the website of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in the United States. Here is the direct link for Form 990:


Form SS-4 can be found on the official IRS website in the United States at


The web link to the official website of the IRS in the USA to obtain Form 1023-EZ is as follows:


Form 1024 can be obtained from the official website of the IRS in the United States:


You can find it by typing "Form 1024" in the search bar on the website.