Green Card Lottery:

The Diversity Lottery!

In a previous report, we told you about the procedure for the travel of French citizens on the territory of the United States in which we told you about the Green Card.

The Green Card is a card that gives the holder the status of Permanent Resident in the United States. You have to know that this is an agreement between the U.S. and several countries. A person can do the application to obtain this card without going through the lottery set up by the U.S. Department of State, but the procedure is long and often fruitless.

The U.S. Department of State organizes each year the beginning of the October, a major lottery that aims to select applicants for legal immigration to the United States. That's what we're talking about. The Green Card Lottery is Visa's Lottery Program Congressional Immigration Diversity Commission is mandated by Congress administered annually by the U.S. Department of State and conducted by the Section 203 (c) of the Immigration and Immigration Act nationality, the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). Section 131 of the Immigration Act 1990 (Pub. L. 101-649) amended by section 203 of the Immigration Act 203 (INA 203) provides for the class of immigrants designated as "immigrants under the diversity immigrants" (i.e. "diversity immigrants"), section 203(c) of the INA provides for the maximum of 55,000 Diversity Visas, each tax year, so that they are available to people coming from countries with lower immigration quotas to the U.S. Fifty-five thousand immigrant visas have been reserved under the "DV" immigrants; however, since Executive Order DV-1999, Congress has reserved 5,000 visas annually for the exclusive use of the Title of the Nicaraguan and American Relief Act Nicaraguan And Central American Relief Act (NACARA).

Only the website:


This is the real website to register for the Card Lottery Green. The ".gov" at the end of the web address proves it.

⚠ It's FREE!! No company may carry out a participation on behalf of a third party. This is a SCAM on the internet. Sadly, every year people have it done by its companies. If you have any doubts about what we are saying at the about its rogue companies, you can inquire with a U.S. Consulate or Embassy with contact information communicate on our "USA INFORMATION" page. Be aware that none of the company is not approved to have the authorization to register a Green Card Lottery Candidate.

All you have to do is enter your personal information. We We know that on the Internet many "Commercial" sites promise to at any time of the year to enter this lottery and those in exchange of so-called application fees. You should know that its websites have no legal status for your lottery registration more than Only the person can register. So by going through its sites Scammer internet (let's not hide the truth) you will have lost all Well your money.

Don't be fooled by emails in particular, Well done by hackers who advertise you that you've been selected and need to send money to An address noted in the email. Please be aware that the successful candidates receive postal mail from the U.S. Department of State, and In this mail you are given the instructions to follow to take Go to the nearest U.S. representation in where you live.